cunt cock sex or POINT of deepest contact; what’s ready to merge /// with the earth; where the finite touches /// the infinite (so godly it TURNS you on); concentration of all /// into down-flowing water; translator or relay station or interface or /// the KEYS we /// push to touch the HOLY; conclusion of body; FOUNDATION of body; saint at the foundation /// of the body; hidden foundation of the house or /// occult AC wiring WIFI water pipes; where /// experience itself is SEXY; the wisdom that all /// reality is fucking; the balance of safe and shout; the /// proper (truest) destination; what in-forms GENERATION; gives in /// every DIRECTION or front to front, front to back, face to cunt, face to ass [...]; the /// beautiful and naked and VERY strong and most vital /// machinery; not rigid scaffold that supports world in stasis but glamorous ensnaring sea /// supporting sand