Our Lab
BYMG™ is a not-for-profit bio-tech company that researches future potentials for yeast and human DNA mutations for a large range of highly-ranked and A-class certified pharmaceutical companies. BYMG™ additionally sells to industry partners, biotech research institutes, scientists, private research labs, and some hobbyists.
Our headquarters are based in Baba Yaga’s Hut (BYHQ) which is also where our labs operate. Our collaborations with the medical industry that provide scientific DNA insights helps fund the growing research around enhancing myco-glitching yeasts.
Handcrafted DNA
The process couldn't be more unique. We believe yeast could be the new mini-factories of the future. We are interested in repurposing paradigmatic organisms by displanting human genes in yeast cells. Our laboratory formulates human biological operations in pruned cells to examen contagion and metamorphosis.
BYMG™ DNA Modification Kits and MycoMegaGENE™ delivery
We can deliver your gene sequences in as few as 5 business days using our 5-day MycoMegaGENE™ service with 100% accuracy guaranteed. For a more cost effective but still fast delivery – use our 7-day MycoMegaGENE™ service.
Bespoke distilled BYMG™ DMEM cell culture medium
Catalogue code
Availability14 units
OrderFuture Proof Generation Genome Sequencing Solution™ (FPGGSS™)
Catalogue code